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Western New England Bancorp, Inc. (WNEB)
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All | News | Filings
Date Filed | Type | Description |
04/26/2022 |
| Investor presentation, Quarterly results |
04/28/2020 |
| Quarterly results |
04/23/2019 |
| Quarterly results |
04/24/2018 |
| Quarterly results |
04/27/2017 |
| Form 8-K - Current report |
02/02/2017 |
| Form 8-K - Current report |
10/26/2016 |
| Form 8-K - Current report |
07/28/2016 |
| Quarterly results
"WESTFIELD FINANCIAL, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES Consolidated Statements of Income and Other Data Three Months Ended Six Months Ended June 30, March 31, December 31, September 30, June 30, June 30, 2016 2016 2015 2015 2015 2016 2015 INTEREST AND DIVIDEND INCOME: Loans $ 8,639 $ 8,250 $ 8,072 $ 7,849 $ 7,371 $ 16,889 $ 14,601 Securities 1,750 2,554 2,609 2,997 3,049 4,305 5,935 Other investments - at cost 136 132 133 126 69 268 137 Federal funds sold, interest-bearing deposits and other short-term investments 29 25 6 2 5 53 11 Total interest and dividend income 10,554 10,961 10,820 10,974 10,494 21,515 20,684 INTEREST EXPENSE: Deposits 1,535 1,472 1,436 1,414 1,380 3,007 2,721 Long-term debt 461 842 889 1,083 1,092 1,303 2,162 Short-term borrowings 556 404 342 317 243 960 431 Total interest expe..." |
05/03/2016 |
| Form 8-K - Current report |
01/27/2016 |
| Quarterly results
"WESTFIELD FINANCIAL, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES Consolidated Statements of Income and Other Data Three Months Ended Year Ended December 31, September 30, June 30, March 31, December 31, December 31, 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 2015 2014 INTEREST AND DIVIDEND INCOME: Loans $ 8,072 $ 7,849 $ 7,371 $ 7,229 $ 7,331 $ 30,521 $ 27,843 Securities 2,609 2,997 3,049 2,885 3,079 11,541 12,889 Other investments - at cost 133 126 69 68 59 396 246 Federal funds sold, interest-bearing deposits and other short-term investments 6 2 5 6 2 18 13 Total interest and dividend income 10,820 10,974 10,494 10,188 10,471 42,476 40,991 INTEREST EXPENSE: Deposits 1,436 1,414 1,380 1,341 1,300 5,571 5,177 Long-term debt 889 1,083 1,092 1,070 1,119 4,133 4,326 Short-term borrowings 342 317 243 187 174 1,090 420 Total interes..." |
10/29/2015 |
| Quarterly results
"WESTFIELD FINANCIAL, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES Consolidated Statements of Income and Other Data Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended September 30, June 30, March 31, December 31, September 30, September 30, 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2015 2014 INTEREST AND DIVIDEND INCOME: Loans $ 7,849 $ 7,371 $ 7,229 $ 7,331 $ 7,135 $ 22,449 $ 20,513 Securities 2,997 3,049 2,885 3,079 3,147 8,931 9,808 Other investments - at cost 126 69 68 59 59 263 187 Federal funds sold, interest-bearing deposits and other short-term investments 2 5 6 2 2 13 11 Total interest and dividend income 10,974 10,494 10,188 10,471 10,343 31,656 30,519 INTEREST EXPENSE: Deposits 1,414 1,380 1,341 1,300 1,298 4,135 3,877 Long-term debt 1,083 1,092 1,070 1,119 1,125 3,244 3,207 Short-term borrowings 317 243 187 174 86 748 245 Total in..." |
07/29/2015 |
| Quarterly results
"WESTFIELD FINANCIAL, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES Consolidated Statements of Income and Other Data Three Months Ended Six Months Ended June 30, March 31, December 31, September 30, June 30, June 30, 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2015 2014 INTEREST AND DIVIDEND INCOME: Loans $ 7,371 $ 7,229 $ 7,331 $ 7,135 $ 6,821 $ 14,601 $ 13,378 Securities 3,049 2,885 3,079 3,147 3,256 5,935 6,662 Other investments - at cost 69 68 59 59 63 137 128 Federal funds sold, interest-bearing deposits and other short-term investments 5 6 2 2 3 11 9 Total interest and dividend income 10,494 10,188 10,471 10,343 10,143 20,684 20,177 INTEREST EXPENSE: Deposits 1,380 1,341 1,300 1,298 1,288 2,721 2,580 Long-term debt 1,092 1,070 1,119 1,125 1,071 2,162 2,081 Short-term borrowings 243 187 174 86 83 431 160 Total interest expense..." |
04/29/2015 |
| Quarterly results
"WESTFIELD FINANCIAL, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES Consolidated Statements of Income and Other Data Three Months Ended March 31, December 31, September 30, June 30, March 31, 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 INTEREST AND DIVIDEND INCOME: Loans $ 7,229 $ 7,331 $ 7,135 $ 6,821 $ 6,557 Securities 2,885 3,079 3,147 3,256 3,406 Other investments - at cost 68 59 59 63 65 Federal funds sold, interest-bearing deposits and other short-term investments 6 2 2 3 6 Total interest and dividend income 10,188 10,471 10,343 10,143 10,034 INTEREST EXPENSE: Deposits 1,341 1,300 1,298 1,288 1,291 Long-term debt 1,070 1,119 1,125 1,071 1,011 Short-term borrowings 187 174 86 83 77 Total interest expense 2,598 2,593 2,509 2,442 2,379 Net interest and dividend income 7,590 7,878 7,834 7,701 7,655 PROVISION FOR LOAN LOSSES 300 2..." |
02/02/2015 |
| Quarterly results
"WESTFIELD FINANCIAL, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES Consolidated Statements of Income and Other Data Three Months Ended Year Ended December 31, September 30, June 30, March 31, December 31, December 31, 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2014 2013 INTEREST AND DIVIDEND INCOME: Loans $ 7,331 $ 7,135 $ 6,821 $ 6,557 $ 6,458 $ 27,843 $ 25,408 Securities 3,079 3,147 3,256 3,406 3,594 12,889 15,521 Other investments - at cost 59 59 63 65 33 246 93 Federal funds sold, interest-bearing deposits and other short-term investments 2 2 3 6 4 13 9 Total interest and dividend income 10,471 10,343 10,143 10,034 10,089 40,991 41,031 INTEREST EXPENSE: Deposits 1,300 1,298 1,288 1,291 1,358 5,177 5,525 Long-term debt 1,119 1,125 1,071 1,011 1,051 4,326 4,591 Short-term borrowings 174 86 83 77 73 420 174 Total interest expens..." |
10/29/2014 |
| Quarterly results
"WESTFIELD FINANCIAL, INC. REPORTS RESULTS FOR THE QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 AND DECLARES QUARTERLY DIVIDEND Loan growth continues to be strong at 16.0% year-over-year Westfield, Massachusetts, October 29, 2014: Westfield Financial, Inc. , the holding company for Westfield Bank , reported net income of $1.5 million, or $0.08 per diluted share, for the quarter ended September 30, 2014, compared to $1.6 million, or $0.08 per diluted share, for the quarter ended September 30, 2013. For the nine months ended September 30, 2014, net income was $4.5 million, or $0.25 per diluted share, compared to $4.9 million, or $0.24 per diluted share, for the same period in 2013. As a result of the significant loan growth experienced by the Bank over the past four quarters, both the three and nine mont..." |
07/23/2014 |
| Quarterly results
"WESTFIELD FINANCIAL, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES Consolidated Statements of Income and Other Data Three Months Ended Six Months Ended June 30, March 31, December 31, September 30, June 30, June 30, 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2014 2013 INTEREST AND DIVIDEND INCOME: Loans $ 6,821 $ 6,557 $ 6,458 $ 6,371 $ 6,307 $ 13,378 $ 12,578 Securities 3,256 3,406 3,594 3,954 3,917 6,662 7,974 Other investments - at cost 63 65 33 20 21 128 40 Federal funds sold, interest-bearing deposits and other short-term investments 3 6 4 3 1 9 3 Total interest and dividend income 10,143 10,034 10,089 10,348 10,246 20,177 20,595 INTEREST EXPENSE: Deposits 1,288 1,291 1,358 1,390 1,390 2,580 2,777 Long-term debt 1,071 1,011 1,051 1,094 1,188 2,081 2,446 Short-term borrowings 83 77 73 36 31 160 65 Total interest expense 2,442..." |
04/30/2014 |
| Quarterly results
"WESTFIELD FINANCIAL, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES Consolidated Statements of Income and Other Data Three Months Ended March 31, December 31, September 30, June 30, March 31, 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 INTEREST AND DIVIDEND INCOME: Loans $ 6,557 $ 6,458 $ 6,371 $ 6,307 $ 6,271 Securities 3,406 3,594 3,954 3,917 4,057 Other investments - at cost 65 33 20 21 19 Federal funds sold, interest-bearing deposits and other short-term investments 6 4 3 1 2 Total interest and dividend income 10,034 10,089 10,348 10,246 10,349 INTEREST EXPENSE: Deposits 1,291 1,358 1,390 1,390 1,387 Long-term debt 1,011 1,051 1,094 1,188 1,258 Short-term borrowings 77 73 36 31 34 Total interest expense 2,379 2,482 2,520 2,609 2,679 Net interest and dividend income 7,655 7,607 7,828 7,637 7,670 PROVISION FOR LOAN LOSSES 100 120..." |
01/29/2014 |
| Quarterly results
"Income Statement Discussion and Analysis Net interest and dividend income was relatively unchanged at $7.6 million for both the quarters ended December 31, 2013 and 2012. The net interest margin increased 10 basis points to 2.57% for the quarter ended December 31, 2013, compared to 2.47% for the quarter ended December 31, 2012. The cost of average interest-bearing liabilities decreased 20 basis points, driven by the prepayment of long term debt, and was partially offset by a slight decrease of 3 basis points in the yield on average interest-earning assets. Net interest and dividend income increased $300,000 to $30.7 million for the year ended December 31, 2013, as compared to $30.4 million for the same period in 2012. The net interest margin for the year ended December 31, 2013 increased 5..." |
10/24/2013 |
| Form 8-K - Current report |
07/24/2013 |
| Quarterly results |
05/01/2013 |
| Form 8-K - Current report |
01/30/2013 |
| Quarterly results |
10/30/2012 |
| Form 8-K - Current report |
07/25/2012 |
| Form 8-K - Current report |
05/18/2012 |
| Form 8-K/A - Current report [Amend] |
01/26/2012 |
| Form 8-K/A - Current report [Amend] |
10/26/2011 |
| Form 8-K - Current report |
07/27/2011 |
| Form 8-K - Current report |
04/28/2011 |
| Form 8-K - Current report |
01/26/2011 |
| Form 8-K - Current report |
10/27/2010 |
| Form 8-K - Current report |
07/22/2010 |
| Form 8-K - Current report |
04/28/2010 |
| Form 8-K - Current report |
01/27/2010 |
| Form 8-K - Current report |