Date Filed | Type | Description |
08/14/2023 |
| Form 13F-HR - Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings: |
07/10/2023 |
SC 13G
| Euro Pacific Asset Management, LLC reports a 5.3% stake in Metalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd. |
05/12/2023 |
| Form 13F-HR - Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings: |
02/14/2023 |
| Form 13F-HR - Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings: |
01/10/2023 |
SC 13G/A
| Form SC 13G/A - Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals: [Amend] |
01/10/2023 |
SC 13G/A
| Form SC 13G/A - Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals: [Amend] |
11/14/2022 |
| Form 13F-HR - Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings: |
08/17/2022 |
SC 13G/A
| Form SC 13G/A - Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals: [Amend] |
08/15/2022 |
| Form 13F-HR - Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings: |
08/10/2022 |
SC 13G/A
| Form SC 13G/A - Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals: [Amend] |
08/10/2022 |
SC 13G/A
| Form SC 13G/A - Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals: [Amend] |
06/10/2022 |
SC 13G
| Form SC 13G - Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals: |
05/13/2022 |
| Form 13F-HR - Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings: |
05/10/2022 |
SC 13G
| Form SC 13G - Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals: |
02/14/2022 |
| Form 13F-HR - Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings: |
11/12/2021 |
| Form 13F-HR - Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings: |
08/06/2021 |
| Form 13F-HR - Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings: |
07/08/2021 |
SC 13G/A
| Form SC 13G/A - Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals: [Amend] |
06/10/2021 |
SC 13G/A
| Form SC 13G/A - Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals: [Amend] |
05/14/2021 |
| Form 13F-HR - Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings: |
05/10/2021 |
SC 13G/A
| Form SC 13G/A - Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals: [Amend] |
04/09/2021 |
SC 13G/A
| Form SC 13G/A - Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals: [Amend] |
02/11/2021 |
| Form 13F-HR - Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings: |
02/08/2021 |
SC 13G/A
| Form SC 13G/A - Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals: [Amend] |
01/08/2021 |
SC 13G/A
| Form SC 13G/A - Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals: [Amend] |
11/13/2020 |
| Form 13F-HR - Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings: |
11/13/2020 |
| Form 13F-HR/A - Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings: [Amend] |
08/06/2020 |
SC 13G
| Form SC 13G - Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals: |
08/06/2020 |
| Form 13F-HR - Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings: |
05/07/2020 |
| Form 13F-HR - Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings: |
02/14/2020 |
| Form 13F-HR - Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings: |
02/03/2020 |
SC 13G/A
| Euro Pacific Asset Management, LLC reports a 10.8% stake in MedGold Resources Corporation |
02/03/2020 |
SC 13G
| Euro Pacific Asset Management, LLC reports a 5% stake in Metalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd. |
02/03/2020 |
SC 13G
| Euro Pacific Asset Management, LLC reports a 5.1% stake in Vista Gold Corporation |